Our Background

Stevenson School is one of six elementary schools in Bloomington District #87.  Stevenson Elementary School is the newest of the elementary schools in Bloomington.  It was constructed in 1968 and named after Adlai E. Stevenson, Governor of Illinois and Ambassador to the United Nations.

The staff proudly teaches approximately 500 culturally diverse students each year.  In addition to serving regular education students, our highly qualified staff teaches English Language Learners (ELL) and children with developmental disabilities from all elementary schools within the district.  Resource staff is available for young people qualified for special needs and speech/language services.  A fulltime social worker/counselor and nurse assist Stevenson students.  Title I services are offered as a resource language arts program for children in the primary grades.  All kindergarten classes are full day and supported in part by the Title I grant.  Enrichment activities are provided for all students through services by the Learning Center teacher, classroom staff and specialists.  Our building climate is enhanced by programs such as Patrols, Student Council, SPARK, Scouts and events sponsored through Bloomington Parks and Recreation.

Stevenson School continues to achieve the adequate yearly progress status required by the No Child Left Behind legislation.  In addition, our school ranks at or above both district and state scores in the meets and exceeds categories.  Stevenson Elementary is rated in the top ten schools whose demographics are comparative to us and has recieved the the Academic Excellence Award.      

The teachers study data routinely to monitor progress.  Title I services, Before School Reading/Math programs, individual tutoring through the university and community volunteers, and Junior Achievement assist our teachers in achieving these goals with students.

Any improvement effort for our children can only be successful if the school, parents and community are working together in this most important endeavor of student achievement.  We are fortunate to have not only supportive parents helping children but also a caring PTO providing learning opportunities and fun activities for families.  Our Building Leadership Team (BLT) gives guidance to enhance school climate.    Many community partners assist Stevenson School including Rotary Club, Kiwanis, State Farm, Verizon, Junior Achievement, McLean County Farm Bureau, Promise Council, Challenger Learning Center, Discovery Museum, Ameren and many others who care about the future of children.  The ongoing growth of Stevenson School can be reviewed through teacher newsletters, PTO meetings, the Tiger Talk newsletter and this Stevenson School website with many classroom links.

The staff, parents, community, and administration are committed to providing the highest possible quality of education for our students.  Together we are BUILDING A COMMUNITY OF LIFELONG LEARNERS.